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Patient CD´s

Pictures of your examination are produced and saved digitally after your examination. The image format underlays international standards, the so called DICOM-format. Therein not only the picture information is contained in JPEG-form but also data about the image quality, the picture conditions and personal data about the patient and the attending doctor.
To illustrate this information correctly, a so called DICOM viewer is needed. This viewer is provided you on your personal patient CD. The medical pictures can be seen with the DICOM-viewer JiveX. After placing the CD in the device, the program will start automatically (if autostart for CD-device is activated). Alternatively you can execute the file „Start.exe“ manually.
Um diese Informationen korrekt darzustellen, ist ein sogenannter DICOM-Viewer nötig. Diesen stellt Ihnen die Radiologische Gemeinschaftspraxis auf Ihrer Patienten-CD zur Verfügung.
After you agreed with the terms of licence and registered the note for the firewall, you can choose between:

  •  “Bildbearbeitung”: opens the DICOM Viewer Light and the examination-series can be viewed and measurements can be done.

  • “Schnelle Ansicht”: for viewing only in your browser (the Internet Explorer is recommended).

  • “Ende”: for closing the program.

When having problems while using the patient CD, don´t hesitate to contact us by telephone (+49 5451 94980) or by E-Mail (info(at)


Patient CD´s